“Lazy Raise the Sale” Tactical RPG with Lo-Fi graphics

Lazy Raise the Sale is a great looking game, it comes from the hand of Jesse Burnett. The game is a Tactical RPG with some great looking graphics! The recommendation comes from Kotaku writer Heather Alexandra that has a lot of trust in Burnett game designs.

Lazy Raise the Sale takes all of the moment-to-moment strategy of games like Fire Emblem and mixes them with Burnett’s distinct low-fidelity artwork. The result is a short burst of magic battling with tons of charm.

Heather Alexandra

The game is still on development but the demo includes a lot of things:

 6 DEMO MAPS, playable in STORY or ARCADE modes
- import other players' custom maps (local .ini files)
- build EXP to customize heroes for use in ARCADE mode
- 10 available JOBS, 40+ available SKILLS
- full KEYBINDS, with xinput gamepad and limited legacy joystick support

He has also made a metroidvanish game called Long Live the Axe and in Beat the Art Breaker he explores the similar Lo-Fi aesthethics that his using in Lazy Raise the Sale.

I haven’t played it myself but I thought it is a great looking game! so if you are interested Lazy Raise the Sale you can check it out on Itch.io:


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