Big Katana Zero updated at the end of May

Askiisoft the dev of Katana Zero announce an important update coming for the end of May, this one might come out along the Australian and New Zeland release.

Here is the tweet:

Katana Zero has been acclaimed by the critics and fans, right now it’s available on Nintendo Switch and PC (Steam) so if your filling like a Hi-bit Samurai Katana Zero is your game.


Remember Shovel Knight is 50% off!

Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove is 50% off, this deal is only until May 22 after that it will go back to full price, and after it’s two upcoming expansion come out, King of Cards and Showdown, the price will go up to 39.99!

For those of you that are a bit lost with all the Shovel Knight expansions and versions, I’ll explain: Shovel Knight Treasure Trove is the COMPLETE version of the Shovel Knight saga, this version includes:

Continue reading “Remember Shovel Knight is 50% off!”

NEScape! an Indie game for the NES

NEScape! is a new, true 8-bit mystery escape room game for the NES. Not only that, but it is (optionally) programmed to work with a SNES mouse! It’s totally your choice.

NEScape! is packed to the brim with puzzles of all types. Logic puzzles, music puzzles, various mini-games, spot-the-difference puzzles, auditory puzzles, scramble puzzles, etc. We took all of our favorite puzzle-types and crammed them into one game for you all to enjoy. And forgive us when we tell you, this game is hard

The game was made by a KHAN Games, it started with Kevin Hanley until he began to work with his friends to create new NES games. There will be a digital ROM version for those who prefer it this way.

If you want an NES copy you can back the project HERE


Grumpy Cat on Stardew Valley

There is not much to say, it feels like Grumpy Cat has always been there. I remember when it became a meme a later a sort of monument of the Internet. A lot of people weren’t part of the whole Grumpy Cat thing, but that doesn’t take the fact that it is part of the “internet culture”. After reading the news I felt for Grumpy Cat.

Ali Jones on PCGames shared some Stardew Valley textures packs of Grumpy Cat, as Ali Jones said, there have been multiple appearances of Grumpy Cat in the videogame world but “Stardew Valley’s gentle farm life is a much more fitting forever home.”

Grumpy Cat Texture

Shakedow: Hawaii major update is out

Vblank Entertainment has released the first major update for there top-down 16bit open-world game Shakedown: Hawaii, these are some of the things the update is introducing :

More Shakedown Scenarios

Continue reading “Shakedow: Hawaii major update is out”

“Lazy Raise the Sale” Tactical RPG with Lo-Fi graphics

Lazy Raise the Sale is a great looking game, it comes from the hand of Jesse Burnett. The game is a Tactical RPG with some great looking graphics! The recommendation comes from Kotaku writer Heather Alexandra that has a lot of trust in Burnett game designs.

Lazy Raise the Sale takes all of the moment-to-moment strategy of games like Fire Emblem and mixes them with Burnett’s distinct low-fidelity artwork. The result is a short burst of magic battling with tons of charm.

Heather Alexandra

The game is still on development but the demo includes a lot of things:

 6 DEMO MAPS, playable in STORY or ARCADE modes
- import other players' custom maps (local .ini files)
- build EXP to customize heroes for use in ARCADE mode
- 10 available JOBS, 40+ available SKILLS
- full KEYBINDS, with xinput gamepad and limited legacy joystick support

He has also made a metroidvanish game called Long Live the Axe and in Beat the Art Breaker he explores the similar Lo-Fi aesthethics that his using in Lazy Raise the Sale.

I haven’t played it myself but I thought it is a great looking game! so if you are interested Lazy Raise the Sale you can check it out on


“Vambrace: Cold Soul” a roguelite fantasy-adventure

Vambrace: Cold Soul is the name of new rogue-lite fantasy adventure game developed by Devespresso Games, it has some great artwork that reminds me of Supergiant Games, and an RPG wave that goes along the early Final Fantasy’s.

This is the first of three trailers that will be released; This one explains the story of the main character, Evelia Lyric, and the uses of the main town like Delearch where you take Quest’s, get supplies, craft, and customize Evelia with Skins. The next trailers will be talking about the combat system and the exploration.

Vembrace: Cold Soul will be released in May28th for Steam and GOG,

The game will also have consoles release for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation® 4 and Xbox One coming up on the 3th Quarter of 2019.

Stay tuned for more Vembrace: Cold Soul trailers


Katana Zero Autralian release end of may

Katana Zero is arriving to Australia at the end of this month, due to some delay on the classification of the game, Katana Zero hasn’t been able to make it to the Australian market, however, the Australian Classification updated their page an assign it a rated R, Katana’s Zero publishers, Devolver Digital, have also confirmed the that the game will be coming out at the end of the month for Switch and PC users.


Voxel article by Art Director of Fughl

Gamasutra has a series of articles call Deep Dives where they talk about design, art or technical features. Today they posted an article from Marco Peschiera, the Art Director of the indie game Fughl: Experience the thrill of flying as you explore the natural beauty of a vast voxel world. He touches a little bit on the process of making the voxel creatures of the game. Here is the link if you want to read it:

In Fugl, every creature, aside from the player’s avatar, is animated using frames. Each frame is a separate voxel model representing a segment of the animation. The majority of the creatures have 4-6 frames that loop in place, creating a specific movement or action for the creature. This is designed to make the creature look natural and fluid, like a living being in this voxel world.

The game has been in Steam’s Early Access for over a year now, here is the link to its Steam page.

Fughl Steam Page